K. Nandakumar
通讯地址:山东省济南市历下区山东省科学院 邮政编码:250013
1. 多相流数值计算模型及算法开发
2. 利用CFD进行化工过程的数值计算分析
3. 利用数值计算技术优化新材料电池制造及聚合物加工
承担了加拿大、美国等国家自然科学基金25项以及企业技术服务项目16项,经费总额超 5700 万元人民币。
1. 2014.04-2016.03,Next-Generation Simulation Capabilities for Particle Transport in Porous Media Relevant to Oil & Gas Industry Applications,INTEL-IPCC Project (Drs. Liu, Lupo, Thompson, Tyagi, Nandakumar),$75,000 Per year
2. 2014.01-2016.12,Bioreactor Design Subcontract from LANZA Tec,ARPA-E,$200,000 per year
3. 2012.12-2013.12,Hydrodynamic modelling of polymerzation loop reactor,Borealis LLC,$284,944+ $150,000
4. 2009.08,Formation of Multiphase modeling group,Start-up Grant,$600,000
5. 2004.11-2007.10,Material Development and Modelling of progressive cavity pumps for crude oil extraction,NSERC Strategic Projects grant,$79,000 $79,000 $71,000
6. 2006.01-2006.12,Fuel cell modelling,WCFCI,$65,000
1. 2011.10-2014.12,The Science and Technology of Dispersants as Relevant to Deep-Sea Hydrocarbon Releases,BP E&P Inc,$76,118
2. 2001.12-2005.11,Transport phenomena in polymer extrusion (w/US),DuPont Canada,$39,000 $39,000 $39,000 $39,000
截至目前,已在国际权威学术期刊上发表 200 余篇 SCI 论文(总被引次数近4000次,H因子= 40),会议论文180余篇,出版专著8部。
1. Rupesh K. Reddy, A. Rao, Z. Yu, C. Wu, K. Nandakumar, L. Thibodeaux and K. T. Valsaraj, “Challenges in and approaches to modeling the complexities of deep water oil and gas release,” in Oil Spill Remediation: Colloid Chemistry based principles and solutions, Edited by P. Somasundaran, Partha Patra,, Raymond S. Farinato, Kyriakos Papadopoulos, Wiley (2014), ISBN: 978-1-118-20670-6.
2. Mo, Z., B. Huang, K. Nandakumar, Dynamic modeling and parameter identifiability analysis for SOFC button cell, book chapter in “Progress in Fuel Cell Research”, Editor Petr V. Alemo, Nova Science Publishers, Chapter 6, 269-301, 2007, ISBN: 1-60021-698-6.
3. K. Nandakumar and K. T. Chuang, Distillation tray column: Performance, Encyclopaedia of Separation Science, Ed. Ian Wilson, Academic Press, (1999).
4. Chuang, K. T. and K. Nandakumar, Distillation tray column: Design, Encyclopaedia of Separation Science, Ed. Ian Wilson, Academic Press, (1999).
5. Nandakumar, K., K. T. Chuang, M. Song and F. H. Yin, Recent advances on modeling separation processes in random packed columns, Recent research developments i n chemical engineering, ed. S. G. Pandalai, Transworld Research Network, vol. 3, (1999) pp 87-106.
6. Nandakumar, K. and J. H. Masliyah, Swirling flow and heat transfer in coiled and twisted pipes, Advances i n Transport Processes, ed. A. S. Mujumdar and R. A. Mashelkar, Wiley Eastern Ltd., Vol. IV, (1986) pp 49- 112.
7. Nandakumar, K. and J. H. Masliyah, Chap. 26 - Swirl flow generated by twisted pipes and tape inserts, Encyclopaedia of Fluid Mechanics - Dynamics of Single-Fluid Flows and Mixing, ed. N. P. Cheremisinoff, Gulf Publishing, Volume 2, (1985) pp 691-706.
8. Nandakumar, K., Book review on ”Transport Processes in Bubbles, Drops, and Particles”, appeared i n Can. J. Chem. Eng., edited by R. P. Chhabra and D. De Kee, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, (1992) pp 255 + ix pages.
1. Bale, S. Sathe., M., Ayeni, O., Berrouk, A. S., Joshi, J.B., and Nandakumar, K., Spatially Resolved Mass Transfer Coefficient for Moderate Reynolds Number Flows in Packed Beds: Wall Effect, : International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (accepted Mar 2017)
2. Berrouk, A. S., Pornsilph, C., Bale, Shivkumar, Du, Y, Nandakumar, K., Simulation of a Large-scale FCC Riser using a Combination of MP-PIC and 4-Lump Oil-Cracking Kinetic Models, Energy & Fuels (accepted , Apr 2017)
3. Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B.,Nandakumar, K.; Evans, Geoffrey M.; et al., Bubble generated turbulence and direct numerical simulations Bubble generated turbulence and direct numerical simulations, Chem Eng Sci., 157 (2017) 26-75.
4. Ayeni, O. O.; Wu, C. L.; Nandakumar, K.; et al, Development and validation of a new drag law using mechanical energy balance approach for DEM-CFD simulation of gas-solid fluidized bed,. Chemical Engineering Journal, 302 (2016) 395-405.
5. Yu, Z. Y.; Wu, C. L.; Berrouk, A. S., Nandakumar, K. Discrete particle modeling of granular Rayleigh-Taylor instability, International Journal Of Multiphase Flow , 77(2015) 260-270.
6. Yu, Z. Y.; Wu, C. L.; Berrouk, A. S., Nandakumar, K. Discrete particle modeling of granular Rayleigh-Taylor instability, International Journal Of Multiphase Flow , 77(2015) 260-270.
7. Joshi, J. B.; Nandakumar, K., Computational Modeling of Multiphase Reactors, Annual Review Of Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering, 6 (2015) 347-378. Ed, Prausnitz, JM
8. Li, Y. H.; Jain, M., Ma, Y. T., Nandakumar, K., Control of the breakup process of viscous droplets by an external electric field inside a microfluidic device, Soft Matter, 11(2015) 3884-3899.
9. T. Scherr, Chunliang Wu and K. Nandakumar, “Computational fluid dynamics as a tool to understand the motility of microorganisms” Computers and Fluids, 114 (2015) 274-283.
10. Mranal Jain, Abhijit Rao and K. Nandakumar, ‘Numerical Study on Shape Optimization of Groove Micromixers,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,, 15 (2013) 689-699.
1. Rao A, Sathe M, Nandakumar K*, “Ambit of multiphase CFD in oil spill related scenarios “, 2015 CSChE Conference, , Oct 4-7, 2015, Calgary, Canada.
2. Ayeni O , C. Zhang, Nandakumar K* , Study of flow pattern of granular materials - Simulations and Experiments”, 2015 CSChE Conference, , Oct 4-7, 2015, Calgary, Canada.
3. Li Y, Nandakumar K*, “CFD investigations of particle segregation and dispersion mechanisms inside a polyolefin 8-leg loop reactor of industrial scale,” 2015 CSChE Conference, , Oct 4-7, 2015, Calgary, Canada.
4. Nandakumar K*, “Impact of technology on education & design,” 2015 CSChE Conference, , Oct 4-7, 2015, Calgary, Canada.[Invited Keynote lecture]
5. He G, Nandakumar K*, “Experimental and CFD investigation of a novel plate and frame ion-exchanger with fractal distributor,” 2015 CSChE Conference, , Oct 4-7, 2015, Calgary, Canada.
6. Yuehao Li*, K. Nandakumar and Rupesh K. Reddy, “CFD Investigations of Particle Segregation and Dispersion Mechanisms inside a Polyolefin 8-Leg Loop Reactor of Industrial Scale,” AIChE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Nov 8-13, 2015.
7. Gongqiang He*, Kishore K. Kar and K. Nandakumar, “CFD Investigations and Optimization of a Novel Dynamic Oil Water Separator”, AIChE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Nov 8-13, 2015.
8. K. Nandakumar*, “Enabling Process Innovation through Computation”, CFD Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 7-9. 2015.
9. K. Nandakumar*, “Enabling Process Innovation through Computation”, CHEMCON 2015, Dec 27-30, 2015, Guwahati, India.
1.流体力学2.传热学3.平衡级过程4.扩散操作5.数学应用6.化学工程计算方法7.MATLAB 入门
1.2016级博士:Ms. Sharaeh Heidarian 路易斯安那州立大学(基于格子玻尔兹曼方法的页岩采收模型)
2.2015级博士:Mr.Sai Shankar Ganesh 路易斯安那州立大学(鼓泡塔相关研究)
3.2014级博士:Mr.John Ding 路易斯安那州立大学(与Tyagi合作)- 干酪根
4.2014级博士:Mr.Daniel Oliviera 路易斯安那州立大学 - 颗粒流的直接数值模拟
5.2013级博士:Mr.Jielin Yu 路易斯安那州立大学(与Tyagi合作)- 颗粒流
6.2003级硕士:Mrs.Sharmeen Akhtar 规整填料的CFD建模(与KTC合作)
7.2006级硕士:Mr.K.Mittal 水力旋流器的CFD模拟
8.2003级硕士:Ms.Divya Kumar 浆体流(与SS合作)
9.2003级硕士:Mr.S.Sankar 冲蚀/腐蚀研究(与JL/PM合作)
获得了10余项学术荣誉,包括1989年洪堡学者(German Govt),1991年加拿大化工学会突出贡献奖,2007年化工学会终生成就奖(RS Jane award)等。
2.1989年,洪堡学者(German Govt)
4.2007年,化工学会终生成就奖(RS Jane award)