






1. 2024.01~2026.12:山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目—“3D堆叠芯片多层次产热-传热-散热机理及一体化协同热管理机制”                  (项目骨干,160万)

2. 2024.01~2025.12:山东能源研究院企业联合基金—“基于超轻隔热气凝胶的新型低碳建筑材料应用示范及产业化”                              (项目骨干,100万)

3.  2019.01~2022.12:国家自然科学基金—“超低比转速离心泵准三元粘性水力设计及熵产诊断优化方法研究”                                    (项目骨干,60万)

4.  2022.01~2024.12:山东省自然科学基金青年项目—“热敏流体空化诱导转子非线性动力响应特性与机理研究”                                   (负责人,15万)

5. 2022.01~2024.12:济南市“高校20条”引进创新团队项目——“基于杂化气凝胶基水合盐的太阳能热化学吸附储热强化机理及关键技术”           (项目骨干,160万)

6. 2022.01~2023.12:科教产融合创新试点工程项目(国际合作项目)—“气凝胶基水合盐中低温热化学吸附储热关键技术研究”                    (项目骨干,66万)

7. l 2021.10~2023.09:能源科学基础研究培育加强计划—“热敏流体空化诱导转子非线性动力响应特性与机理研究”                                    (负责人,6万)


1. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Yuan Zhiyi, et al. Development and application of the entropy production diagnostic model to the cavitation flow of a pump-turbine in pump mode. Renewable Energy. 2020, 154: 774-785.

2. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Zhang Jinya, et al. Flow pattern recognition inside a rotodynamic multiphase pump viadeveloped entropy production diagnostic model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 194: 107467.

3. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Hou Hucan, et al. Theory and Application of Two-Dimension Viscous Hydraulic Design of the Ultra-Low Specific-Speed Centrifugal Pump. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2019, 234 (1): 58-71.

4. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Zhu Jianjun, et al. Effect of cavitation and free-gas entrainment on the hydraulic performance of a centrifugal pump. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2020.

5. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Li Zhiweii, et al. Pressure fluctuation-vortex interaction in an ultra-low specific-speed centrifugal pump. Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 2018, 38 (2): 527-543.

6. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Zhang Jinya, et al. Comparative research on various turbulence closure models for unsteady cavitation flows in the ultra-low specific speed centrifugal pump. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 240: 062038.

7. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Hou Hucan, et al. Optimization design of an ultra-low specific-speed centrifugal pump using entropy production minimization and Taguchi method. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems. 2020, 13 (1): 55-67.

8. 王聪, 张永学, 冀凯卓, 等. 空化对超低比转数离心泵内压力脉动的影响研究.农业机械学报, 2020, 51(1): 122-129,

9. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Liu Zhigang, et al. Multi-objective optimization of a two-stage liquefied natural gas cryogenic submerged pump-turbine in pump mode to reduce flow loss and cavitation. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022,52: 105064.

10. Wang Cong, Guo Lin, Liu Zhigang, et al. Unsteady flow analysis regarding stall flow and rotating cavitation in the firststage of a multistage LNG cryogenic submerged pump. Cryogenics, 2023, 129: 103546.

11. Wang Cong, Liu Zhigang, Guo Lin, et al.Comparative studies on the propagation of rotating stall in a liquefied natural gas cryogenic submerged pump-turbine in both pump and turbine mode. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 055132.

12. Wang Cong, Kong Yalong, Liu Zhigang, et al. A Novel Pressure-Controlled Molecular Dynamics Simulation Method for Nanoscale Boiling Heat Transfer. Energies, 2023, 16(5): 2131.

13. Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Yuan Zhiyi, et al. Evaluating of the effect of the cavitation-vortex interaction on the energy conversion in a two-stage LNG cryogenic submerged pump. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2023, 237(1): 095765092211077.


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